Biological super-resolution imaging by using novel microsphere-embedded coverslips

Arash Darafsheh, Consuelo Guardiola, Deepak Nihalani, Daeyeon Lee, Jarod C. Finlay, Alejandro Cárabe

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

30 Scopus citations


Optical super-resolution imaging is a desirable technique in many fields, including medical and material sciences and nanophotonics. We demonstrated feasibility of optical microscopy, with resolution improvement by a factor of 2-3, by using microsphere-embedded coverslips composed of barium titanate glass microspheres (refractive index n~1.9-2.1) fixed in a transparent layer of polydimethylsiloxane. Imaging was performed by a conventional microscope and a fluorescent microscope with the microsphere-embedded layer placed in a contact position with various biological specimens and semiconductor nanostructures. We investigated a biomedical application of microsphere-assisted imaging technique by immunostaining of kidney sections where cellular distribution of a motor protein Myo1c and a podocyte specific protein ZO-1 was analyzed. A significant visual enhancement in the distribution pattern of the proteins was noted in the stained glomeruli by using microsphere-assisted imaging technique. Our results suggest that microsphere-assisted imaging technique is a promising candidate for applications in medical and cancer research, as well as in microfluidics and nanophotonics.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XII
EditorsDan V. Nicolau, Alexander N. Cartwright
ISBN (Electronic)9781628414271
StatePublished - 2015
EventNanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XII - San Francisco, United States
Duration: Feb 9 2015Feb 12 2015

Publication series

NameProgress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
ISSN (Print)1605-7422


ConferenceNanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XII
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Francisco


  • PDMS
  • Super-resolution
  • barium titanate
  • biological imaging
  • microscopy
  • microsphere
  • nanoscopy


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