Floyd M. Nolle, G. Charles Oliver, Robert E. Kleiger, Jerome R. Cox, Kenneth W. Clark, H. Dieter Ambos

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

16 Scopus citations


A new, practical method has been developed for analyzing Holter tape recordings for ventricular arrhythmias. A digital computer tape is recorded from the original Holter tape and then scanned at high speed by the Argus rhythm analysis programs. Computer detected PVCs are then displayed on a large oscilloscope for review by a technician called an editor. The editor uses a keyboard to label them as true, false, or questionable. He does not need to look at most normally conducted QRS complexes since they are screened out by the computer program. The technical performance of the editors has been found to be quite satisfactory. They are able to rapidly and efficiently separate true PVCs from false positives due to artifact, other arrhythmias, and normal variations. The system provides summaries of the number of true, false, and questionable PVCs, the record length in hours and minutes, average heart rate, peak and average hourly PVC rates, and the proportion of data obscured by artifacts. Trend plots of PVC rate and heart rate are printed for fifteen minute intervals.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 1974
EventComput in Cardiol, Conf, Proc - Bethesda, Md
Duration: Oct 2 1974Oct 4 1974


ConferenceComput in Cardiol, Conf, Proc
CityBethesda, Md


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