Are all competencies equal in the eyes of residents? A multicenter study of emergency medicine residents' interest in feedback

Suzanne Bentley, Kevin Hu, Anne Messman, Tiffany Moadel, Sorabh Khandelwal, Heather Streich, Joan Noelker

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8 Scopus citations


Introduction: Feedback, particularly real-time feedback, is critical to resident education. The emergency medicine (EM) milestones were developed in 2012 to enhance resident assessment, and many programs use them to provide focused resident feedback. The purpose of this study was to evaluate EM residents' level of interest in receiving real-time feedback on each of the 23 competencies/sub-competencies. Methods: This was a multicenter cross-sectional study of EM residents. We surveyed participants on their level of interest in receiving real-time on-shift feedback on each of the 23 competencies/subcompetencies. Anonymous paper or computerized surveys were distributed to residents at three fouryear training programs and three three-year training programs with a total of 223 resident respondents. Residents rated their level of interest in each milestone on a six-point Likert-type response scale. We calculated average level of interest for each of the 23 sub-competencies, for all 223 respondents and separately by postgraduate year (PGY) levels of training. One-way analyses of variance were performed to determine if there were differences in ratings by level of training. Results: The overall survey response rate across all institutions was 82%. Emergency stabilization had the highest mean rating (5.47/6), while technology had the lowest rating (3.24/6). However, we observed no differences between levels of training on any of the 23 competencies/sub-competencies. Conclusion: Residents seem to ascribe much more value in receiving feedback on domains involving high-risk, challenging procedural skills as compared to low-risk technical and communication skills. Further studies are necessary to determine whether residents' perceived importance of competencies/ sub-competencies needs to be considered when developing an assessment or feedback program based on these 23 EM competencies/sub-competencies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)76-81
Number of pages6
JournalWestern Journal of Emergency Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2017


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