Antiperistaltic Roux-en-Y biliary-enteric bypass after bile duct injury: A technical error in reconstruction

George L. Zorn, J. Kelly Wright, C. Wright Pinson, Jacob P. Debelak, William C. Chapman

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13 Scopus citations


Bilioenteric reconstruction using a Roux limb of jejunum is a well- established surgical option for the reconstruction of the proximal bile duct. Previous studies discussing short- and long-term complications of biliary- enteric anastomosis have focused on technical aspects, such as the use of anastomotic stenting or the level of the biliary tree used. We report two cases of previously unreported complications after hepaticojejunostomy that resulted from a technical error in constructing the Roux limb. Within a 3- month period, two patients were referred to our institution with recurrent cholangitis after biliary reconstruction for injuries sustained during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Reexploration disclosed major technical flaws in the construction of the Roux limb used for biliary drainage. Antiperistaltic limbs had been constructed in both patients: one from the distal ileum and one from the conventional location in the jejunum. In both cases, isoperistaltic reconstruction of the Roux limbs resolved the recurrent cholangitis. Cholangitis after biliary-enteric bypass can arise from a variety of etiologies and lead to anastomotic narrowing or ineffective drainage of the biliary tree. Review of the literature failed to disclose reports of technically flawed Roux limb construction as a cause of cholangitis. We present these cases to highlight the devastating consequences of antiperistaltic construction of the Roux limb. We hope that by publishing the role of this avoidable error in recurrent cholangitis after biliary- enteric bypass we may help prevent its future occurrence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)581-585
Number of pages5
JournalAmerican Surgeon
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 1999


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