Anomalous ureteral insertion in VATER syndrome complicating renal transplantation

S. Shenoy, D. Hovsepian, D. C. Brennan, M. A. Hudson, T. K. Howard, M. W. Flye

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


We report a renal transplantation with uretero-ureterostomy to a normal ureter in a patient with VATER syndrome who had agenesis of the ipsilateral kidney. Anomalous insertion of the native ureter into the ejeculatory duct was subsequently identified when his post-operative course was complicated by an ureteric leak and hydronephrosis. To our knowledge, this anomaly has not been previously reported. Transplant function is now excellent following temporary percutaneous nephrostomy. Contrast delineation of genito-urinary anatomy is recommended, before utilizing existing anatomical structures in the urinary tract, in patients with VATER syndrome.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-128
Number of pages4
JournalClinical Transplantation
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 1 1995


  • Percutaneous intervention
  • Renal transplantation
  • Ureteric abnormality
  • Ureteric leak
  • VATER syndrome


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