An Introduction to the Special Issue: From Ideas to Efficacy in Health Psychology

Leonard H. Epstein, Susan M. Czajkowski, Kenneth E. Freedland

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1 Scopus citations


The impetus for the special issue, “From Ideas to Efficacy” was the perceived need to stimulate and support a more vibrant research base that translates basic behavioral and social science research (bBSSR) discoveriesto clinical and public health interventions. This special issue presents novel research that advancestranslational behavioral science, focusing primarily on the early phases of behavioral translation that are notas well recognized as later-phase translational science (e.g., dissemination and implementation research).The special issue includes a series of empirical, conceptual, and methodological papers, and a shining exampleof translational research that has had important clinical implications for the treatment of obesity and preventionof people with prediabetes from transitioning to Type II diabetes. In this introduction we will firstset the context of the special issue and briefly comment on the papers. We end with several ideas in theareas of funding, training and publication of early phase translational behavioral science that can acceleratethe process through which new ideas from our deepening understanding of human behavior can be morerapidly and fully brought to bear on the pressing health problems facing our nation and our world

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)824-828
Number of pages5
JournalHealth Psychology
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2021


  • Graduate training
  • Team science
  • Translational research


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