
Machine learning can be used to create “biologic clocks” that predict age. However, organs, tissues, and biofluids may age at different rates from the organism as a whole. We sought to understand how cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) changes with age to inform the development of brain aging-related disease mechanisms and identify potential anti-aging therapeutic targets. Several epigenetic clocks exist based on plasma and neuronal tissues; however, plasma may not reflect brain aging specifically and tissue-based clocks require samples that are difficult to obtain from living participants. To address these problems, we developed a machine learning clock that uses CSF proteomics to predict the chronological age of individuals with a 0.79 Pearson correlation and mean estimated error (MAE) of 4.30 years in our validation cohort. Additionally, we analyzed proteins highly weighted by the algorithm to gain insights into changes in CSF and uncover novel insights into brain aging. We also demonstrate a novel method to create a minimal protein clock that uses just 109 protein features from the original clock to achieve a similar accuracy (0.75 correlation, MAE 5.41). Finally, we demonstrate that our clock identifies novel proteins that are highly predictive of age in interactions with other proteins, but do not directly correlate with chronological age themselves. In conclusion, we propose that our CSF protein aging clock can identify novel proteins that influence the rate of aging of the central nervous system (CNS), in a manner that would not be identifiable by examining their individual relationships with age.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere14230
JournalAging Cell
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2024


  • aging
  • brain aging
  • cerebrospinal fluid
  • neurodegeneration
  • neurodegenerative diseases
  • proteomics


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