An experimental model for the acute and chronic evaluation of intra- aneurysmal pressure

P. L. Faries, L. A. Sanchez, M. L. Marin, R. E. Parsons, R. T. Lyon, S. Oliveri, F. J. Veith

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44 Scopus citations


Purpose: To develop an animal model for the acute and chronic monitoring of pressure within abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) to be treated with endovascular grafts. Methods: A strain-gauge pressure transducer was placed within an AAA created from a prosthetic vascular graft. Prosthetic aneurysms were implanted into 17 canine infrarenal aortas. The intra-aneurysmal pressure was monitored and correlated with noninvasive forelimb sphygmomanometry for 2 weeks. After this time, an intravascular manometer catheter was passed into the aneurysm. Simultaneous pressure measurements were obtained using the implanted strain-gauge pressure transducer, the manometer catheter, and the forelimb sphygmomanometer. Angiography was performed to assess intraluminal morphology, aneurysm anastomoses, and adjoining aortic vessels. In addition, two control animals underwent intra- aneurysmal pressure monitoring after standard surgical aneurysm repair. Results: There was excellent correlation (r = 0.97) between the pressure measurements obtained with the implanted strain-gauge pressure transducer and the intravascular manometer. Close correlation was also observed between the implanted strain-gauge transducer and the forelimb sphygmomanometer (r = 0.88) during postprocedural monitoring. Intra-aneurysmal pressure was lowered dramatically by surgical exclusion (aneurysm: 15/5 ± 7/4 mmHg; systemic: 124/66 ± 34/17 mmHg; p < 0.001). The prosthetic aneurysms were successfully imaged with angiography. Conclusions: This animal model provides an accurate and reproducible means for measuring intra-aneurysmal pressure on an acute and chronic basis. It may be possible to use this model in the assessment of endovascular devices to determine their efficacy in reducing intra-aneurysmal pressure. Evaluation of complications associated with their use, such as patent aneurysm side branches, perigraft channels, and perianastomotic reflux, may also be possible.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)290-297
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Endovascular Surgery
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1997


  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Animal model
  • Arterial pressure
  • Endovascular grafts
  • Pressure transducer


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