An Adaptive Low-Rank Modeling-Based Active Learning Method for Medical Image Annotation

S. He, J. Wu, C. Lian, H. M. Gach, S. Mutic, W. Bosch, J. Michalski, H. Li

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2 Scopus citations


Active learning is an effective solution to interactively select a limited number of informative examples and use them to train a learning algorithm that can achieve its optimal performance for specific tasks. It is suitable for medical image applications in which unlabeled data are abundant but manual annotation could be very time-consuming and expensive. However, designing an effective active learning strategy for informative example selection is a challenging task, due to the intrinsic presence of noise in medical images, the large number of images, and the variety of imaging modalities. In this study, a novel low-rank modeling-based multi-label active learning (LRMMAL) method is developed to address these challenges and select informative examples for training a classifier to achieve the optimal performance. The proposed method independently quantifies image noise and integrates it with other measures to guide a pool-based sampling process to determine the most informative examples for training a classifier. In addition, an automatic adaptive cross entropy-based parameter determination scheme is proposed for further optimizing the example sampling strategy. Experimental results on varied medical image datasets and comparisons with other state-of-the-art multi-label active learning methods illustrate the superior performance of the proposed method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)334-344
Number of pages11
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2021


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