Alzheimer disease biomarkers are associated with decline in subjective memory, attention, and spatial navigation ability in clinically normal adults

Taylor F. Levine, Steven J. Dessenberger, Samantha L. Allison, Denise Head

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1 Scopus citations


Objective: Subtle changes in memory, attention, and spatial navigation abilities have been associated with preclinical Alzheimer disease (AD). The current study examined whether baseline AD biomarkers are associated with self- and informant-reported decline in memory, attention, and spatial navigation. Method: Clinically normal (Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR®) = 0) adults aged 56-93 (N = 320) and their informants completed the memory, divided attention, and visuospatial abilities (which assesses spatial navigation) subsections of the Everyday Cognition Scale (ECog) annually for an average of 4 years. Biomarker data was collected within (±) 2 years of baseline (i.e., cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) p-tau181/Aβ42 ratio and hippocampal volume). Clinical progression was defined as CDR > 0 at time of final available ECog. Results: Self- and informant-reported memory, attention, and spatial navigation significantly declined over time (ps <.001). Baseline AD biomarkers were significantly associated with self- and informant-reported decline in cognitive ability (ps <.030), with the exception of p-tau181/Aβ42 ratio and self-reported attention (p =.364). Clinical progression did not significantly moderate the relationship between AD biomarkers and decline in self- or informant-reported cognitive ability (ps >.062). Post-hoc analyses indicated that biomarker burden was also associated with self- and informant-reported decline in total ECog (ps <.002), and again clinical progression did not significantly moderate these relationships (ps >.299). Conclusions: AD biomarkers at baseline may indicate risk of decline in self- and informant-reported change in memory, attention, and spatial navigation ability. As such, subjectively reported decline in these domains may have clinical utility in tracking the subtle cognitive changes associated with the earliest stages of AD.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)313-327
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Issue number4
StatePublished - May 28 2024


  • Everyday Cognition Scale
  • Preclinical Alzheimer disease
  • attention
  • biomarkers
  • memory
  • spatial navigation


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