
Human natural killer (NK) cells with the CD3- CD16+ phenotype recognize allospecificities on normal T-cell blasts. The NK-defined specificity 1 (NK-1) is recessively inherited and has been mapped to the major histocompatibility complex between the complement gene cluster and HLA-A. A gene for NK-1, however, has not been identified. Here we demonstrate that NK-1 and the recently defined NK specificity 2 (NK-2) are reciprocally associated with homozygosity for a diallelic polymorphism at amino acid positions 77 and 80 in the putative peptide-binding site of HLA-C (P < 10-5). NK-cell recognition of allogeneic cells may, therefore, be controlled by HLA-C itself or by a closely linked gene(s), which dominantly prevents (resistance alleles) or recessively permits (susceptibility alleles) recognition of still-unknown target determinants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7983-7985
Number of pages3
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number17
StatePublished - 1992


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