
Significance: Alginate, sourced from seaweed, holds significant importance in industrial and biomedical domains due to its versatile properties. Its chemical composition, primarily comprising β-D-mannuronic acid and α-L-guluronic acid, governs its physical and biological attributes. This polysaccharide, extracted from brown algae and bacteria, offers diverse compositions impacting key factors such as molecular weight, flexibility, solubility, and stability. Recent Advances: Commercial extraction methods yield soluble sodium alginate essential for various biomedical applications. Extraction processes involve chemical treatments converting insoluble alginic acid salts into soluble forms. While biosynthesis pathways in bacteria and algae share similarities, differences in enzyme utilization and product characteristics are noted. Critical Issues: Despite its widespread applicability, challenges persist regarding alginate’s stability, biodegradability, and bioactivity. Further understanding of its interactions in complex biological environments and the optimization of extraction and synthesis processes are imperative. Additionally, concerns regarding immune responses to alginate-based implants necessitate thorough investigation. Future Directions: Future research endeavors aim to enhance alginate’s stability and bioactivity, facilitating its broader utilization in regenerative medicine and therapeutic interventions. Novel approaches focusing on tailored hydrogel formations, advanced drug delivery systems, and optimized cellular encapsulation techniques hold promise. Continued exploration of alginate’s potential in tissue engineering and wound healing, alongside efforts to address critical issues, will drive advancements in biomedical applications.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Wound Care
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • alginate
  • biocompatibility
  • cellular implantation
  • encapsulation
  • tissue regeneration
  • wound healing


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