Airway complications after double lung transplantation

G. A. Patterson, T. R. Todd, J. D. Cooper, F. G. Pearson, T. L. Winton, J. Maurer

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150 Scopus citations


We have had success with en bloc double lung transplantation in the management of selected patients with end-stage parenchymal pulmonary disease. Airway complications have been more prevalent in our own experience with double lung transplantation than in reports of combined heart-lung transplantation from other centers. Between November 1986 and March 1989, 16 patients underwent double lung transplantation. Allografts were preserved by topical hypothermic immersion in 12 patients and by pulmonary artery flush with cold crystalloid solution in the most recent four patients. Thirteen patients underwent tracheal anastomosis and the most recent three patients underwent bilateral bronchial anastomoses. Fatal ischemic necrosis of the donar trachea and both main bronchi developed in three patients. Preterminal airway ischemia developed in a patient who had systemic sepsis. Partial anastomotic dehiscence, which went on to form fibrous strictures necessitating endoscopic placement of silicone rubber airway stents, developed in two additional patients. Two other patients had late strictures and required subsequent placement of bifurcation stents. There was no relationship between development of airway complications and gas exchange in the donor lungs, lung ischemic time, early postoperative gas exchange, early postoperative mean pulmonary artery pressure, or frequency of early postoperative rejection. Severe postoperative hypotension occurred in five of eight patients with airway complications and in three of eight patients without airway complications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-21
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1990


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