Advances and gaps in SARS-CoV-2 infection models

César Muñoz-Fontela, Lina Widerspick, Randy A. Albrecht, Martin Beer, Miles W. Carroll, Emmie de Wit, Michael S. Diamond, William E. Dowling, Simon G.P. Funnell, Adolfo García-Sastre, Nora M. Gerhards, Rineke de Jong, Vincent J. Munster, Johan Neyts, Stanley Perlman, Douglas S. Reed, Juergen A. Richt, Ximena Riveros-Balta, Chad J. Roy, Francisco J. SalgueroMichael Schotsaert, Lauren M. Schwartz, Robert A. Seder, Joaquim Segalés, Seshadri S. Vasan, Ana María Henao-Restrepo, Dan H. Barouch

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56 Scopus citations


AThUe:gPlolebaaslerceosnpfiormnstheattoalClhoeraodninagvlieruveslsDairseeraepsree2se0n1te9d(cCoOrrVecItDly-:19) is now facing new challenges such as vaccine inequity and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs). Preclinical models of disease, in particular animal models, are essential to investigate VOC pathogenesis, vaccine correlates of protection and postexposure therapies. Here, we provide an update from the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 modeling expert group (WHO-COM) assembled by WHO, regarding advances in preclinical models. In particular, we discuss how animal model research is playing a key role to evaluate VOC virulence, transmission and immune escape, and how animal models are being refined to recapitulate COVID-19 demographic variables such as comorbidities and age.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1010161
JournalPLoS pathogens
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2022


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