Advanced Techniques in Placental Biology-Workshop Report

D. M. Nelson, Y. Sadovsky, J. M. Robinson, B. A. Croy, G. Rice, D. A. Kniss

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2 Scopus citations


Major advances in placental biology have been realized as new technologies have been developed and existing methods have been refined in many areas of biological research. Classical anatomy and whole-organ physiology tools once used to analyze placental structure and function have been supplanted by more sophisticated techniques adapted from molecular biology, proteomics, and computational biology and bioinformatics. In addition, significant refinements in morphological study of the placenta and its constituent cell types have improved our ability to assess form and function in highly integrated manner. To offer an overview of modern technologies used by investigators to study the placenta, this workshop: Advanced techniques in placental biology, assembled experts who discussed fundamental principles and real time examples of four separate methodologies. Y. Sadovsky presented the principles of microRNA function as an endogenous mechanism of gene regulation. J. Robinson demonstrated the utility of correlative microscopy in which light-level and transmission electron microscopy are combined to provide cellular and subcellular views of placental cells. A. Croy provided a lecture on the use of microdissection techniques which are invaluable for isolating very small subsets of cell types for molecular analysis. Finally, G. Rice presented an overview methods on profiling of complex protein mixtures within tissue and/or fluid samples that, when refined, will offer databases that will underpin a systems approach to modern trophoblast biology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-90
Number of pages4
Issue numberSUPPL.
StatePublished - Apr 2006


  • Correlative microscopy
  • Laser microdissection
  • Proteomics
  • RNA interference


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