A yeast actin-related protein homologous to that in vertebrate dynactin complex is important for spindle orientation and nuclear migration

Li Muhua, Tatiana S. Karpova, John A. Cooper

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

199 Scopus citations


Spindle orientation controls nuclear migration and segregation during mitosis. In yeast, defects in dynein and astral microtubules lead to abnormal spindle orientation and nuclear migration. Dynactin complex is necessary for dynein-mediated vesicle motility in vitro. The major polypeptide of dynactin complex is an actin-related protein in the family Arpl. We have identified in S. cerevisiae a novel actin-related gene, ACT5, In the Arpi family. An act5 null mutant has defects in spindle orientation and nuclear migration, as does overexpression of Act5p. The phenotype of a double mutant lacking dynein and Act5p is similar to that of single mutants. Therefore, dynactin complex is in the same pathway as dynein and may be necessary for the action of dynein in vivo.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)669-679
Number of pages11
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 26 1994


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