A surgical technique of radioulnar osteoclasis to correct severe forearm rotation deformities

Henry H. Lin, William B. Strecker, Paul R. Manske, Perry L. Schoenecker, Deborah M. Seyer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Scopus citations


Twenty-six forearms in 23 patients with marked pronation or supination deformities were treated with osteoclasis. Etiologies included 12 radioulnar synostoses, five brachial plexus injuries, three hemiplegias, two hemimelias, and four other types of deformities. Drill-assisted osteotomy of both the radius and ulna was followed 10 days later by manipulation to the desired functional position. Dominant extremities were placed in 20° pronation, and nondominant extremities in 20° supination. Range of motion was not significantly changed, but the arc of motion occurred in a more functional hand position. Average correction for 15 pronation deformities was 81° and 69° for 11 supination deformities. Two nonunions healed after bone grafting and there were no instances of neuromuscular compromise. Functional improvement was obtained in 25 of 26 forearms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-58
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Pediatric Orthopaedics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1995


  • Congenital radioulnar synostosis
  • Forearm osteoclasis


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