A RAD18-UBC13-PALB2-RNF168 axis mediates replication fork recovery in BRCA1-deficient cancer cells

Emily Cybulla, Sierra Wallace, Alice Meroni, Jessica Jackson, Sumedha Agashe, Mithila Tennakoon, Mangsi Limbu, Annabel Quinet, Elena Lomonosova, Hollie Noia, Stephanie Tirman, Matthew Wood, Delphine Lemacon, Katherine Fuh, Lee Zou, Alessandro Vindigni

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3 Scopus citations


BRCA1/2 proteins function in genome stability by promoting repair of double-stranded DNA breaks through homologous recombination and by protecting stalled replication forks from nucleolytic degradation. In BRCA1/2-deficient cancer cells, extensively degraded replication forks can be rescued through distinct fork recovery mechanisms that also promote cell survival. Here, we identified a novel pathway mediated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase RAD18, the E2-conjugating enzyme UBC13, the recombination factor PALB2, the E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF168 and PCNA ubiquitination that promotes fork recovery in BRCA1- but not BRCA2-deficient cells. We show that this pathway does not promote fork recovery by preventing replication fork reversal and degradation in BRCA1-deficient cells. We propose a mechanism whereby the RAD18-UBC13-PALB2-RNF168 axis facilitates resumption of DNA synthesis by promoting re-annealing of the complementary single-stranded template strands of the extensively degraded forks, thereby allowing re-establishment of a functional replication fork. We also provide preliminary evidence for the potential clinical relevance of this novel fork recovery pathway in BRCA1-mutated cancers, as RAD18 is over-expressed in BRCA1-deficient cancers, and RAD18 loss compromises cell viability in BRCA1-deficient cancer cells.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8861-8879
Number of pages19
JournalNucleic acids research
Issue number15
StatePublished - Aug 27 2024


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