A prospective study of oral contraceptive use and risk of breast cancer (Nurses' Health Study, United States)

Susan E. Hankinson, Graham A. Colditz, Jo Ann E. Manson, Walter C. Willett, David J. Hunter, Meir J. Stampfer, Frank E. Speizer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

92 Scopus citations


Results of previous epidemiologic studies have provided reassurance that there is little, if any, increase in risk of breast cancer with oral contraceptive (OC) use in general. However, in several studies, an increased risk of breast cancer has been observed in two subgroups, young women who used OCs for extended durations and in women who used OCs prior to a first-term pregnancy. We evaluated these relationships using data from the ongoing Nurses' Health Study cohort (United States). We documented 3,383 cases of breast cancer from 1976 to 1992 among 1.6 million person-years of follow-up. We observed no overall relationship between duration of OC use and breast cancer risk, even among women who reported using OCs for 10 or more years (multivariate relative risk [RR] = 1.11, 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 0.94-1.32). Among women less than 45 years of age, the multivariate RR for using OCs for 10 or more years was 1.07 (CI = 0.70-1.65) compared with never-users. The risk associated with five or more years of OC use prior to a first full-term pregnancy compared with never-use was 0.96 (CI = 0.65-1.43). Among women less than 45 years of age, we observed no evidence of an increased risk with OC use before a first full-term pregnancy (use for five or more years: RR = 0.57, CI = 0.24-1.31). Because of the age distribution of our cohort, we were unable to evaluate these relationships among women less than 40 years of age. Our study provides considerable evidence that long-term past OC use, either overall or prior to a first full-term pregnancy, does not result in any appreciable increase in breast cancer risk in women over 40 years of age.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-72
Number of pages8
JournalCancer Causes and Control
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1997


  • Breast cancer
  • Oral contraceptives
  • United States
  • Women


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