
Introduction: Niemann-Pick C (NPC) is an autosomal recessive disease due to defective NPC1 or NPC2 proteins resulting in endo-lysosomal storage of unesterified cholesterol in the central nervous system and liver. Acute liver disease in the newborn period may be self-limited or fatal. 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (2HPBCD) is a cholesterol-binding agent that reduces lysosomal cholesterol storage. We have enrolled 3 infants 0–6 months old with direct hyperbilirubinemia due to NPC1 or NPC2 liver disease in a Phase I/II open label clinical trial of intravenous 2HPBCD. Methods: Infants received intravenous 2HPBCD twice a week for 6 weeks, followed by monthly infusion for 6-months. Primary outcome measure was reduction of plasma (3β,5α,6β-trihydroxy-cholan-24-oyl) glycine (TCG), a bile acid generated from cholesterol sequestered in lysosome. Results: Three participants completed this protocol. A fourth patient received intravenous 2HPBCD under an emergency investigational new drug study but later expired from her underlying condition. The three protocol patients are living and have improved liver enzymes and TCG. No patient has experienced a drug-related adverse event. Conclusion: Intravenous 2HPBCD was tolerated in three infants with liver disease due to NPC.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100772
JournalMolecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports
StatePublished - Sep 2021


  • 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (2HPBCD)
  • 3β,5α,6β-trihydroxy-cholan-24-oyl)glycine (TCG)
  • Clinical trial
  • Cyclodextrin
  • Niemann Pick C


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