
Search results

  • 2015

    The endosomal protein CHARGED MULTIVESICULAR BODY PROTEIN1 regulates the autophagic turnover of plastids in arabidopsis

    Spitzer, C., Li, F., Buono, R., Roschzttardtz, H., Chung, T., Zhang, M., Osteryoung, K. W., Vierstra, R. D. & Otegui, M. S., 2015, In: Plant Cell. 27, 2, p. 391-402 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    112 Scopus citations
  • X-ray radiation induces deprotonation of the bilin chromophore in crystalline D. Radiodurans phytochrome

    Li, F., Burgie, E. S., Yu, T., Héroux, A., Schatz, G. C., Vierstra, R. D. & Orville, A. M., Mar 4 2015, In: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 8, p. 2792-2795 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Arabidopsis ATG11, a scaffold that links the ATG1-ATG13 kinase complex to general autophagy and selective mitophagy

    Li, F. & Vierstra, R. D., Aug 2014, In: Autophagy. 10, 8, p. 1466-1467 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Scopus citations
  • AUTOPHAGY-RELATED11 plays a critical role in general autophagy- and senescence-induced mitophagy in Arabidopsis

    Li, F., Chung, T. & Vierstra, R. D., Feb 2014, In: Plant Cell. 26, 2, p. 788-807 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    241 Scopus citations
  • Crystallographic and electron microscopic analyses of a bacterial phytochrome reveal local and global rearrangements during photoconversion

    Burgie, E. S., Wang, T., Bussell, A. N., Walker, J. M., Li, H. & Vierstra, R. D., 2014, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289, 35, p. 24573-24587 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    94 Scopus citations
  • Crystal structure of the photosensing module from a red/far-red light-absorbing plant phytochrome

    Burgie, E. S., Bussell, A. N., Walker, J. M., Dubiel, K. & Vierstra, R. D., Jul 15 2014, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111, 28, p. 10179-10184 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    182 Scopus citations
  • Dynamic structural changes underpin photoconversion of a blue/green cyanobacteriochrome between its dark and photoactivated states

    Cornilescu, C. C., Cornilescu, G., Burgie, E. S., Markley, J. L., Ulijasz, A. T. & Vierstra, R. D., Jan 31 2014, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289, 5, p. 3055-3065 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    50 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    Advanced proteomic analyses yield a deep catalog of ubiquitylation targets in Arabidopsis

    Kim, D. Y., Scalf, M., Smith, L. M. & Vierstra, R. D., May 2013, In: Plant Cell. 25, 5, p. 1523-1540 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    210 Scopus citations
  • A photo-labile thioether linkage to phycoviolobilin provides the foundation for the blue/green photocycles in DXCF-cyanobacteriochromes

    Burgie, E. S., Walker, J. M., Phillips, G. N. & Vierstra, R. D., Jan 8 2013, In: Structure. 21, 1, p. 88-97 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    88 Scopus citations
  • Characterization and Quantification of Intact 26S Proteasome Proteins by Real-Time Measurement of Intrinsic Fluorescence Prior to Top-down Mass Spectrometry

    Russell, J. D., Scalf, M., Book, A. J., Ladror, D. T., Vierstra, R. D., Smith, L. M. & Coon, J. J., Mar 11 2013, In: PloS one. 8, 3, e58157.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    18 Scopus citations
  • Epigenomic programming contributes to the genomic drift evolution of the F-Box protein superfamily in Arabidopsis

    Hua, Z., Pool, J. E., Schmitz, R. J., Schultz, M. D., Shiu, S. H., Ecker, J. R. & Vierstra, R. D., Oct 15 2013, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 42, p. 16927-16932 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • Quantitative proteomics reveals factors regulating RNA biology as dynamic targets of stress-induced SUMOylation in arabidopsis

    Miller, M. J., Scalf, M., Rytz, T. C., Hubler, S. L., Smith, L. M. & Vierstra, R. D., Feb 2013, In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 12, 2, p. 449-463 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    118 Scopus citations
  • Structure-guided engineering of plant phytochrome B with altered photochemistry and light signaling

    Zhang, J., Stankey, R. J. & Vierstra, R. D., 2013, In: Plant Physiology. 161, 3, p. 1445-1457 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Scopus citations
  • 2012
    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy

    Klionsky, D. J., Abdalla, F. C., Abeliovich, H., Abraham, R. T., Acevedo-Arozena, A., Adeli, K., Agholme, L., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Aguirre-Ghiso, J. A., Ahn, H. J., Ait-Mohamed, O., Ait-Si-Ali, S., Akematsu, T., Akira, S., Al-Younes, H. M., Al-Zeer, M. A., Albert, M. L., Albin, R. L. & Alegre-Abarrategui, J. & 1,249 others, Aleo, M. F., Alirezaei, M., Almasan, A., Almonte-Becerril, M., Amano, A., Amaravadi, R., Amarnath, S., Amer, A. O., Andrieu-Abadie, N., Anantharam, V., Ann, D. K., Anoopkumar-Dukie, S., Aoki, H., Apostolova, N., Arancia, G., Aris, J. P., Asanuma, K., Asare, N. Y. O., Ashida, H., Askanas, V., Askew, D. S., Auberger, P., Baba, M., Backues, S. K., Baehrecke, E. H., Bahr, B. A., Bai, X. Y., Bailly, Y., Baiocchi, R., Baldini, G., Balduini, W., Ballabio, A., Bamber, B. A., Bampton, E. T. W., Bánhegyi, G., Bartholomew, C. R., Bassham, D. C., Bast, R. C., Batoko, H., Bay, B. H., Beau, I., Béchet, D. M., Begley, T. J., Behl, C., Behrends, C., Bekri, S., Bellaire, B., Bendall, L. J., Benetti, L., Berliocchi, L., Bernardi, H., Bernassola, F., Besteiro, S., Bhatia-Kissova, I., Bi, X., Biard-Piechaczyk, M., Blum, J. S., Boise, L. H., Bonaldo, P., Boone, D. L., Bornhauser, B. C., Bortoluci, K. R., Bossis, I., Bost, F., Bourquin, J. P., Boya, P., Boyer-Guittaut, M., Bozhkov, P. V., Brady, N. R., Brancolini, C., Brech, A., Brenman, J. E., Brennand, A., Bresnick, E. H., Brest, P., Bridges, D., Bristol, M. L., Brookes, P. S., Brown, E. J., Brumell, J. H., Brunetti-Pierri, N., Brunk, U. T., Bulman, D. E., Bultman, S. J., Bultynck, G., Burbulla, L. F., Bursch, W., Butchar, J. P., Buzgariu, W., Bydlowski, S. P., Cadwell, K., Cahová, M., Cai, D., Cai, J., Cai, Q., Calabretta, B., Calvo-Garrido, J., Camougrand, N., Campanella, M., Campos-Salinas, J., Candi, E., Cao, L., Caplan, A. B., Carding, S. R., Cardoso, S. M., Carew, J. S., Carlin, C. R., Carmignac, V., Carneiro, L. A. M., Carra, S., Caruso, R. A., Casari, G., Casas, C., Castino, R., Cebollero, E., Cecconi, F., Celli, J., Chaachouay, H., Chae, H. J., Chai, C. Y., Chan, D. C., Chan, E. Y., Chang, R. C. C., Che, C. M., Chen, C. C., Chen, G. C., Chen, G. Q., Chen, M., Chen, Q., Chen, S. S. L., Chen, W. L., Chen, X., Chen, X., Chen, X., Chen, Y. G., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, Y. J., Chen, Z., Cheng, A., Cheng, C. H. K., Cheng, Y., Cheong, H., Cheong, J. H., Cherry, S., Chess-Williams, R., Cheung, Z. H., Chevet, E., Chiang, H. L., Chiarelli, R., Chiba, T., Chin, L. S., Chiou, S. H., Chisari, F. V., Cho, C. H., Cho, D. H., Choi, A. M. K., Choi, D. S., Choi, K. S., Choi, M. E., Chouaib, S., Choubey, D., Choubey, V., Chu, C. T., Chuang, T. H., Chueh, S. H., Chun, T., Chwae, Y. J., Chye, M. L., Ciarcia, R., Ciriolo, M. R., Clague, M. J., Clark, R. S. B., Clarke, P. G. H., Clarke, R., Codogno, P., Coller, H. A., Colombo, M. I., Comincini, S., Condello, M., Condorelli, F., Cookson, M. R., Coombs, G. H., Coppens, I., Corbalan, R., Cossart, P., Costelli, P., Costes, S., Coto-Montes, A., Couve, E., Coxon, F. P., Cregg, J. M., Crespo, J. L., Cronjé, M. J., Cuervo, A. M., Cullen, J. J., Czaja, M. J., D'Amelio, M., Darfeuille-Michaud, A., Davids, L. M., Davies, F. E., De Felici, M., De Groot, J. F., De Haan, C. A. M., De Martino, L., De Milito, A., De Tata, V., Debnath, J., Degterev, A., Dehay, B., Delbridge, L. M. D., Demarchi, F., Deng, Y. Z., Dengjel, J., Dent, P., Denton, D., Deretic, V., Desai, S. D., Devenish, R. J., Di Gioacchino, M., Di Paolo, G., Di Pietro, C., Díaz-Araya, G., Díaz-Laviada, I., Diaz-Meco, M. T., Diaz-Nido, J., Dikic, I., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Ding, W. X., Distelhorst, C. W., Diwan, A., Djavaheri-Mergny, M., Dokudovskaya, S., Dong, Z., Dorsey, F. C., Dosenko, V., Dowling, J. J., Doxsey, S., Dreux, M., Drew, M. E., Duan, Q., Duchosal, M. A., Duff, K., Dugail, I., Durbeej, M., Duszenko, M., Edelstein, C. L., Edinger, A. L., Egea, G., Eichinger, L., Eissa, N. T., Ekmekcioglu, S., El-Deiry, W. S., Elazar, Z., Elgendy, M., Ellerby, L. M., Er Eng, K., Engelbrecht, A. M., Engelender, S., Erenpreisa, J., Escalante, R., Esclatine, A., Eskelinen, E. L., Espert, L., Espina, V., Fan, H., Fan, J., Fan, Q. W., Fan, Z., Fang, S., Fang, Y., Fanto, M., Fanzani, A., Farkas, T., Farré, J. C., Faure, M., Fechheimer, M., Feng, C. G., Feng, J., Feng, Q., Feng, Y., Fésüs, L., Feuer, R., Figueiredo-Pereira, M. E., Fimia, G. M., Fingar, D. C., Finkbeiner, S., Finkel, T., Finley, K. D., Fiorito, F., Fisher, E. A., Fisher, P. B., Flajolet, M., Florez-McClure, M. L., Florio, S., Fon, E. A., Fornai, F., Fortunato, F., Fotedar, R., Fowler, D. H., Fox, H. S., Franco, R., Frankel, L. B., Fransen, M., Fuentes, J. M., Fueyo, J., Fujii, J., Fujisaki, K., Fujita, E., Fukuda, M., Furukawa, R. H., Gaestel, M., Gailly, P., Gajewska, M., Galliot, B., Galy, V., Ganesh, S., Ganetzky, B., Ganley, I. G., Gao, F. B., Gao, G. F., Gao, J., Garcia, L., Garcia-Manero, G., Garcia-Marcos, M., Garmyn, M., Gartel, A. L., Gatti, E., Gautel, M., Gawriluk, T. R., Gegg, M. E., Geng, J., Germain, M., Gestwicki, J. E., Gewirtz, D. A., Ghavami, S., Ghosh, P., Giammarioli, A. M., Giatromanolaki, A. N., Gibson, S. B., Gilkerson, R. W., Ginger, M. L., Ginsberg, H. N., Golab, J., Goligorsky, M. S., Golstein, P., Gomez-Manzano, C., Goncu, E., Gongora, C., Gonzalez, C. D., Gonzalez, R., González-Estévez, C., González-Polo, R. A., Gonzalez-Rey, E., Gorbunov, N. V., Gorski, S., Goruppi, S., Gottlieb, R. A., Gozuacik, D., Granato, G. E., Grant, G. D., Green, K. N., Gregorc, A., Gros, F., Grose, C., Grunt, T. W., Gual, P., Guan, J. L., Guan, K. L., Guichard, S. M., Gukovskaya, A. S., Gukovsky, I., Gunst, J., Gustafsson, A. B., Halayko, A. J., Hale, A. N., Halonen, S. K., Hamasaki, M., Han, F., Han, T., Hancock, M. K., Hansen, M., Harada, H., Harada, M., Hardt, S. E., Harper, J. W., Harris, A. L., Harris, J., Harris, S. D., Hashimoto, M., Haspel, J. A., Hayashi, S. I., Hazelhurst, L. A., He, C., He, Y. W., Hébert, M. J., Heidenreich, K. A., Helfrich, M. H., Helgason, G. V., Henske, E. P., Herman, B., Herman, P. K., Hetz, C., Hilfiker, S., Hill, J. A., Hocking, L. J., Hofman, P., Hofmann, T. G., Höhfeld, J., Holyoake, T. L., Hong, M. H., Hood, D. A., Hotamisligil, G. S., Houwerzijl, E. J., Høyer-Hansen, M., Hu, B., Hu, C. A. A., Hu, H. M., Hua, Y., Huang, C., Huang, J., Huang, S., Huang, W. P., Huber, T. B., Huh, W. K., Hung, T. H., Hupp, T. R., Hur, G. M., Hurley, J. B., Hussain, S. N. A., Hussey, P. J., Hwang, J. J., Hwang, S., Ichihara, A., Ilkhanizadeh, S., Inoki, K., Into, T., Iovane, V., Iovanna, J. L., Ip, N. Y., Isaka, Y., Ishida, H., Isidoro, C., Isobe, K. I., Iwasaki, A., Izquierdo, M., Izumi, Y., Jaakkola, P. M., Jäättelä, M., Jackson, G. R., Jackson, W. T., Janji, B., Jendrach, M., Jeon, J. H., Jeung, E. B., Jiang, H., Jiang, H., Jiang, J. X., Jiang, M., Jiang, Q., Jiang, X., Jiménez, A., Jin, M., Jin, S., Joe, C. O., Johansen, T., Johnson, D. E., Johnson, G. V. W., Jones, N. L., Joseph, B., Joseph, S. K., Joubert, A. M., Juhász, G., Juillerat-Jeanneret, L., Jung, C. H., Jung, Y. K., Kaarniranta, K., Kaasik, A., Kabuta, T., Kadowaki, M., Kagedal, K., Kamada, Y., Kaminskyy, V. O., Kampinga, H. H., Kanamori, H., Kang, C., Kang, K. B., Il Kang, K., Kang, R., Kang, Y. A., Kanki, T., Kanneganti, T. D., Kanno, H., Kanthasamy, A. G., Kanthasamy, A., Karantza, V., Kaushal, G. P., Kaushik, S., Kawazoe, Y., Ke, P. Y., Kehrl, J. H., Kelekar, A., Kerkhoff, C., Kessel, D. H., Khalil, H., Kiel, J. A. K. W., Kiger, A. A., Kihara, A., Kim, D. R., Kim, D. H., Kim, D. H., Kim, E. K., Kim, H. R., Kim, J. S., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. C., Kim, J. K., Kim, P. K., Kim, S. W., Kim, Y. S., Kim, Y., Kimchi, A., Kimmelman, A. C., King, J. S., Kinsella, T. J., Kirkin, V., Kirshenbaum, L. A., Kitamoto, K., Kitazato, K., Klein, L., Klimecki, W. T., Klucken, J., Knecht, E., Ko, B. C. B., Koch, J. C., Koga, H., Koh, J. Y., Koh, Y. H., Koike, M., Komatsu, M., Kominami, E., Kong, H. J., Kong, W. J., Korolchuk, V. I., Kotake, Y., Koukourakis, M. I., Kouri Flores, J. B., Kovács, A. L., Kraft, C., Krainc, D., Krämer, H., Kretz-Remy, C., Krichevsky, A. M., Kroemer, G., Krüger, R., Krut, O., Ktistakis, N. T., Kuan, C. Y., Kucharczyk, R., Kumar, A., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kundu, M., Kung, H. J., Kurz, T., Kwon, H. J., La Spada, A. R., Lafont, F., Lamark, T., Landry, J., Lane, J. D., Lapaquette, P., Laporte, J. F., László, L., Lavandero, S., Lavoie, J. N., Layfield, R., Lazo, P. A., Le, W., Le Cam, L., Ledbetter, D. J., Lee, A. J. X., Lee, B. W., Lee, G. M., Lee, J., Lee, J. H., Lee, M., Lee, M. S., Lee, S. H., Leeuwenburgh, C., Legembre, P., Legouis, R., Lehmann, M., Lei, H. Y., Lei, Q. Y., Leib, D. A., Leiro, J., Lemasters, J. J., Lemoine, A., Lesniak, M. S., Lev, D., Levenson, V. V., Levine, B., Levy, E., Li, F., Li, J. L., Li, L., Li, S., Li, W., Li, X. J., Li, Y. B., Li, Y. P., Liang, C., Liang, Q., Liao, Y. F., Liberski, P. P., Lieberman, A., Lim, H. J., Lim, K. L., Lim, K., Lin, C. F., Lin, F. C., Lin, J., Lin, J. D., Lin, K., Lin, W. W., Lin, W. C., Lin, Y. L., Linden, R., Lingor, P., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Lisanti, M. P., Liton, P. B., Liu, B., Liu, C. F., Liu, K., Liu, L., Liu, Q. A., Liu, W., Liu, Y. C., Liu, Y., Lockshin, R. A., Lok, C. N., Lonial, S., Loos, B., Lopez-Berestein, G., López-Otín, C., Lossi, L., Lotze, M. T., Lõw, P., Lu, B., Lu, B., Lu, B., Lu, Z., Luciano, F., Lukacs, N. W., Lund, A. H., Lynch-Day, M. A., Ma, Y., Macian, F., MacKeigan, J. P., Macleod, K. F., Madeo, F., Maiuri, L., Maiuri, M. C., Malagoli, D., Malicdan, M. C. V., Malorni, W., Man, N., Mandelkow, E. M., Manon, S., Manov, I., Mao, K., Mao, X., Mao, Z., Marambaud, P., Marazziti, D., Marcel, Y. L., Marchbank, K., Marchetti, P., Marciniak, S. J., Marcondes, M., Mardi, M., Marfe, G., Mariño, G., Markaki, M., Marten, M. R., Martin, S. J., Martinand-Mari, C., Martinet, W., Martinez-Vicente, M., Masini, M., Matarrese, P., Matsuo, S., Matteoni, R., Mayer, A., Mazure, N. M., McConkey, D. J., McConnell, M. J., McDermott, C., McDonald, C., McInerney, G. M., McKenna, S. L., McLaughlin, B. A., McLean, P. J., McMaster, C. R., McQuibban, G. A., Meijer, A. J., Meisler, M. H., Meléndez, A., Melia, T. J., Melino, G., Mena, M. A., Menendez, J. A., Menna-Barreto, R. F. S., Menon, M. B., Menzies, F. M., Mercer, C. A., Merighi, A., Merry, D. E., Meschini, S., Meyer, C. G., Meyer, T. F., Miao, C. Y., Miao, J. Y., Michels, P. A. M., Michiels, C., Mijaljica, D., Milojkovic, A., Minucci, S., Miracco, C., Miranti, C. K., Mitroulis, I., Miyazawa, K., Mizushima, N., Mograbi, B., Mohseni, S., Molero, X., Mollereau, B., Mollinedo, F., Momoi, T., Monastyrska, I., Monick, M. M., Monteiro, M. J., Moore, M. N., Mora, R., Moreau, K., Moreira, P. I., Moriyasu, Y., Moscat, J., Mostowy, S., Mottram, J. C., Motyl, T., Moussa, C. E. H., Müller, S., Muller, S., Münger, K., Münz, C., Murphy, L. O., Murphy, M. E., Musarò, A., Mysorekar, I., Nagata, E., Nagata, K., Nahimana, A., Nair, U., Nakagawa, T., Nakahira, K., Nakano, H., Nakatogawa, H., Nanjundan, M., Naqvi, N. I., Narendra, D. P., Narita, M., Navarro, M., Nawrocki, S. T., Nazarko, T. Y., Nemchenko, A., Netea, M. G., Neufeld, T. P., Ney, P. A., Nezis, I. P., Nguyen, H. P., Nie, D., Nishino, I., Nislow, C., Nixon, R. A., Noda, T., Noegel, A. A., Nogalska, A., Noguchi, S., Notterpek, L., Novak, I., Nozaki, T., Nukina, N., Nürnberger, T., Nyfeler, B., Obara, K., Oberley, T. D., Oddo, S., Ogawa, M., Ohashi, T., Okamoto, K., Oleinick, N. L., Oliver, F. J., Olsen, L. J., Olsson, S., Opota, O., Osborne, T. F., Ostrander, G. K., Otsu, K., Ou, J. H. J., Ouimet, M., Overholtzer, M., Ozpolat, B., Paganetti, P., Pagnini, U., Pallet, N., Palmer, G. E., Palumbo, C., Pan, T., Panaretakis, T., Pandey, U. B., Papackova, Z., Papassideri, I., Paris, I., Park, J., Park, O. K., Parys, J. B., Parzych, K. R., Patschan, S., Patterson, C., Pattingre, S., Pawelek, J. M., Peng, J., Perlmutter, D. H., Perrotta, I., Perry, G., Pervaiz, S., Peter, M., Peters, G. J., Petersen, M., Petrovski, G., Phang, J. M., Piacentini, M., Pierre, P., Pierrefite-Carle, V., Pierron, G., Pinkas-Kramarski, R., Piras, A., Piri, N., Platanias, L. C., Pöggeler, S., Poirot, M., Poletti, A., Poüs, C., Pozuelo-Rubio, M., Prætorius-Ibba, M., Prasad, A., Prescott, M., Priault, M., Produit-Zengaffinen, N., Progulske-Fox, A., Proikas-Cezanne, T., Przedborski, S., Przyklenk, K., Puertollano, R., Puyal, J., Qian, S. B., Qin, L., Qin, Z. H., Quaggin, S. E., Raben, N., Rabinowich, H., Rabkin, S. W., Rahman, I., Rami, A., Ramm, G., Randall, G., Randow, F., Rao, V. A., Rathmell, J. C., Ravikumar, B., Ray, S. K., Reed, B. H., Reed, J. C., Reggiori, F., Régnier-Vigouroux, A., Reichert, A. S., Reiners, J. J., Reiter, R. J., Ren, J., Revuelta, J. L., Rhodes, C. J., Ritis, K., Rizzo, E., Robbins, J., Roberge, M., Roca, H., Roccheri, M. C., Rocchi, S., Rodemann, H. P., De Córdoba, S. R., Rohrer, B., Roninson, I. B., Rosen, K., Rost-Roszkowska, M. M., Rouis, M., Rouschop, K. M. A., Rovetta, F., Rubin, B. P., Rubinsztein, D. C., Ruckdeschel, K., Rucker, E. B., Rudich, A., Rudolf, E., Ruiz-Opazo, N., Russo, R., Rusten, T. E., Ryan, K. M., Ryter, S. W., Sabatini, D. M., Sadoshima, J., Saha, T., Saitoh, T., Sakagami, H., Sakai, Y., Salekdeh, G. H., Salomoni, P., Salvaterra, P. M., Salvesen, G., Salvioli, R., Sanchez, A. M. J., Sánchez-Alcázar, J. A., Sánchez-Prieto, R., Sandri, M., Sankar, U., Sansanwal, P., Santambrogio, L., Saran, S., Sarkar, S., Sarwal, M., Sasakawa, C., Sasnauskiene, A., Sass, M., Sato, K., Sato, M., Schapira, A. H. V., Scharl, M., Schätzl, H. M., Scheper, W., Schiaffino, S., Schneider, C., Schneider, M. E., Schneider-Stock, R., Schoenlein, P. V., Schorderet, D. F., Schüller, C., Schwartz, G. K., Scorrano, L., Sealy, L., Seglen, P. O., Segura-Aguilar, J., Seiliez, I., Seleverstov, O., Sell, C., Seo, J. B., Separovic, D., Setaluri, V., Setoguchi, T., Settembre, C., Shacka, J. J., Shanmugam, M., Shapiro, I. M., Shaulian, E., Shaw, R. J., Shelhamer, J. H., Shen, H. M., Shen, W. C., Sheng, Z. H., Shi, Y., Shibuya, K., Shidoji, Y., Shieh, J. J., Shih, C. M., Shimada, Y., Shimizu, S., Shintani, T., Shirihai, O. S., Shore, G. C., Sibirny, A. A., Sidhu, S. B., Sikorska, B., Silva-Zacarin, E. C. M., Simmons, A., Simon, A. K., Simon, H. U., Simone, C., Simonsen, A., Sinclair, D. A., Singh, R., Sinha, D., Sinicrope, F. A., Sirko, A., Siu, P. M., Sivridis, E., Skop, V., Skulachev, V. P., Slack, R. S., Smaili, S. S., Smith, D. R., Soengas, M. S., Soldati, T., Song, X., Sood, A. K., Soong, T. W., Sotgia, F., Spector, S. A., Spies, C. D., Springer, W., Srinivasula, S. M., Stefanis, L., Steffan, J. S., Stendel, R., Stenmark, H., Stephanou, A., Stern, S. T., Sternberg, C., Stork, B., Strålfors, P., Subauste, C. S., Sui, X., Sulzer, D., Sun, J., Sun, S. Y., Sun, Z. J., Sung, J. J. Y., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, T., Swanson, M. S., Swanton, C., Sweeney, S. T., Sy, L. K., Szabadkai, G., Tabas, I., Taegtmeyer, H., Tafani, M., Takács-Vellai, K., Takano, Y., Takegawa, K., Takemura, G., Takeshita, F., Talbot, N. J., Tan, K. S. W., Tanaka, K., Tanaka, K., Tang, D., Tang, D., Tanida, I., Tannous, B. A., Tavernarakis, N., Taylor, G. S., Taylor, G. A., Taylor, J. P., Terada, A. S., Terman, A., Tettamanti, G., Thevissen, K., Thompson, C. B., Thorburn, A., Thumm, M., Tian, F. F., Tian, Y., Tocchini-Valentini, G., Tolkovsky, A. M., Tomino, Y., Tönges, L., Tooze, S. A., Tournier, C., Tower, J., Towns, R., Trajkovic, V., Travassos, L. H., Tsai, T. F., Tschan, M. P., Tsubata, T., Tsung, A., Turk, B., Turner, L. S., Tyagi, S. C., Uchiyama, Y., Ueno, T., Umekawa, M., Umemiya-Shirafuji, R., Unni, V. 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K. K., Wyttenbach, A., Xavier, R. J., Xi, Z., Xia, P., Xiao, G., Xie, Z., Xie, Z., Xu, D. Z., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, X., Yamamoto, A., Yamamoto, A., Yamashina, S., Yamashita, M., Yan, X., Yanagida, M., Yang, D. S., Yang, E., Yang, J. M., Yang, S. Y., Yang, W., Yang, W. Y., Yang, Z., Yao, M. C., Yao, T. P., Yeganeh, B., Yen, W. L., Yin, J. J., Yin, X. M., Yoo, O. J., Yoon, G., Yoon, S. Y., Yorimitsu, T., Yoshikawa, Y., Yoshimori, T., Yoshimoto, K., You, H. J., Youle, R. J., Younes, A., Yu, L., Yu, L., Yu, S. W., Yu, W. H., Yuan, Z. M., Yue, Z., Yun, C. H., Yuzaki, M., Zabirnyk, O., Silva-Zacarin, E., David Zacks, E., Zacksenhaus, L., Zaffaroni, N., Zakeri, Z., Zeh, H. J., Zeitlin, S. O., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. L., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. P., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Zhang, M. Y., Zhang, X. D., Zhao, M., Zhao, Y. F., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Z. J., Zheng, X., Zhivotovsky, B., Zhong, Q., Zhou, C. Z., Zhu, C., Zhu, W. G., Zhu, X. F., Zhu, X., Zhu, Y., Zoladek, T., Zong, W. X., Zorzano, A., Zschocke, J. & Zuckerbraun, B., Apr 1 2012, In: Autophagy. 8, 4, p. 445-544 100 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2933 Scopus citations
  • Regulator and substrate: Dual roles for the ATG1-ATG13 kinase complex during autophagic recycling in Arabidopsis

    Li, F. & Vierstra, R. D., Jun 2012, In: Autophagy. 8, 6, p. 982-984 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • The light-response BTB1 and BTB2 proteins assemble nuclear ubiquitin ligases that modify phytochrome B and D signaling in Arabidopsis

    Christians, M. J., Gingerich, D. J., Hua, Z., Lauer, T. D. & Vierstra, R. D., Sep 2012, In: Plant Physiology. 160, 1, p. 118-134 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    50 Scopus citations
  • 2011

    Arabidopsis membrane-anchored ubiquitin-fold (MUB) proteins localize a specific subset of ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzymes to the plasma membrane

    Dowil, R. T., Lu, X., Saracco, S. A., Vierstra, R. D. & Downes, B. P., Apr 29 2011, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286, 17, p. 14913-14921 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • ATG7 contributes to plant basal immunity towards fungal infection

    Lenz, H. D., Vierstra, R. D., Nürnberger, T. & Gust, A. A., 2011, In: Plant Signaling and Behavior. 6, 7, p. 1040-1042 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • Autophagy differentially controls plant basal immunity to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens.

    Lenz, H. D., Haller, E., Melzer, E., Kober, K., Wurster, K., Stahl, M., Bassham, D. C., Vierstra, R. D., Parker, J. E., Bautor, J., Molina, A., Escudero, V., Shindo, T., van der Hoorn, R. A. L., Gust, A. A. & Nürnberger, T., Jun 2011, In: Plant Journal. 66, 5, p. 818-830 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    185 Scopus citations
  • AUXIN UP-REGULATED F-BOX PROTEIN1 regulates the cross talk between auxin transport and cytokinin signaling during plant root growth

    Zheng, X., Miller, N. D., Lewis, D. R., Christians, M. J., Lee, K. H., Muday, G. K., Spalding, E. P. & Vierstra, R. D., Aug 2011, In: Plant Physiology. 156, 4, p. 1878-1893 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    36 Scopus citations
  • Delivery of prolamins to the protein storage vacuole in maize aleurone cells

    Reyes, F. C., Chung, T., Holding, D., Jung, R., Vierstra, R. & Otegui, M. S., Feb 2011, In: Plant Cell. 23, 2, p. 769-784 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    120 Scopus citations
  • Dual function of Rpn5 in two PCI complexes, the 26S proteasome and COP9 signalosome

    Yu, Z., Kleifeld, O., Lande-Atir, A., Bsoul, M., Kleiman, M., Krutauz, D., Book, A., Vierstra, R. D., Hofmann, K., Reis, N., Glickman, M. H. & Pick, E., Apr 1 2011, In: Molecular biology of the cell. 22, 7, p. 911-920 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    37 Scopus citations
  • 33 Scopus citations
  • Phylogenetic comparison of F-Box (FBX) gene superfamily within the plant kingdom reveals divergent evolutionary histories indicative of genomic drift

    Hua, Z., Zou, C., Shiu, S. H. & Vierstra, R. D., 2011, In: PloS one. 6, 1, e16219.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    124 Scopus citations
  • The ATG1/ATG13 protein kinase complex is both a regulator and a target of autophagic recycling in Arabidopsis

    Suttangkakul, A., Li, F., Chung, T. & Vierstra, R. D., Dec 2011, In: Plant Cell. 23, 10, p. 3761-3779 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    259 Scopus citations
  • The cullin-RING ubiquitin-protein ligases

    Hua, Z. & Vierstra, R. D., Jun 2 2011, In: Annual Review of Plant Biology. 62, p. 299-334 36 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    398 Scopus citations
  • The RPT2 subunit of the 26S proteasome directs complex assembly, histone dynamics, and gametophyte and sporophyte development in arabidopsis

    Lee, K. H., Minami, A., Marshall, R. S., Book, A. J., Farmer, L. M., Walker, J. M. & Vierstra, R. D., Dec 2011, In: Plant Cell. 23, 12, p. 4298-4317 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Scopus citations
  • 2010

    Affinity purification of the Arabidopsis 26 S proteasome reveals a diverse array of plant proteolytic complexes

    Book, A. J., Gladman, N. P., Lee, S. S., Scalf, M., Smith, L. M. & Vierstra, R. D., Aug 13 2010, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285, 33, p. 25554-25569 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    110 Scopus citations
  • ATG8 lipidation and ATG8-mediated autophagy in Arabidopsis require ATG12 expressed from the differentially controlled ATG12A and ATG12B loci

    Chung, T., Phillips, A. R. & Vierstra, R. D., May 2010, In: Plant Journal. 62, 3, p. 483-493 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    235 Scopus citations
  • Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon

    Vogel, J. P., Garvin, D. F., Mockler, T. C., Schmutz, J., Rokhsar, D., Bevan, M. W., Barry, K., Lucas, S., Harmon-Smith, M., Lail, K., Tice, H., Grimwood, J., McKenzie, N., Huo, N., Gu, Y. Q., Lazo, G. R., Anderson, O. D., You, F. M., Luo, M. C. & Dvorak, J. & 117 others, Wright, J., Febrer, M., Idziak, D., Hasterok, R., Lindquist, E., Wang, M., Fox, S. E., Priest, H. D., Filichkin, S. A., Givan, S. A., Bryant, D. W., Chang, J. H., Wu, H., Wu, W., Hsia, A. P., Schnable, P. S., Kalyanaraman, A., Barbazuk, B., Michael, T. P., Hazen, S. P., Bragg, J. N., Laudencia-Chingcuanco, D., Weng, Y., Haberer, G., Spannagl, M., Mayer, K., Rattei, T., Mitros, T., Lee, S. J., Rose, J. K. C., Mueller, L. A., York, T. L., Wicker, T., Buchmann, J. P., Tanskanen, J., Schulman, A. H., Gundlach, H., Beven, M., Costa De Oliveira, A., Da C. Maia, L., Belknap, W., Jiang, N., Lai, J., Zhu, L., Ma, J., Sun, C., Pritham, E., Salse, J., Murat, F., Abrouk, M., Bruggmann, R., Messing, J., Fahlgren, N., Sullivan, C. M., Carrington, J. C., Chapman, E. J., May, G. D., Zhai, J., Ganssmann, M., Gurazada, S. G. R., German, M., Meyers, B. C., Green, P. J., Tyler, L., Wu, J., Thomson, J., Chen, S., Scheller, H. V., Harholt, J., Ulvskov, P., Kimbrel, J. A., Bartley, L. E., Cao, P., Jung, K. H., Sharma, M. K., Vega-Sanchez, M., Ronald, P., Dardick, C. D., De Bodt, S., Verelst, W., Inzé, D., Heese, M., Schnittger, A., Yang, X., Kalluri, U. C., Tuskan, G. A., Hua, Z., Vierstra, R. D., Cui, Y., Ouyang, S., Sun, Q., Liu, Z., Yilmaz, A., Grotewold, E., Sibout, R., Hematy, K., Mouille, G., Höfte, H., Micheel, T., Pelloux, J., O'Connor, D., Schnable, J., Rowe, S., Harmon, F., Cass, C. L., Sedbrook, J. C., Byrne, M. E., Walsh, S., Higgins, J., Li, P., Brutnell, T., Unver, T., Budak, H., Belcram, H., Charles, M., Chalhoub, B. & Baxter, I., Feb 11 2010, In: Nature. 463, 7282, p. 763-768 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1480 Scopus citations
  • Proteomic analyses identify a diverse array of nuclear processes affected by small ubiquitin-like modifier conjugation in Arabidopsis

    Miller, M. J., Barrett-Wilt, G. A., Hua, Z. & Vierstra, R. D., Sep 21 2010, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 38, p. 16512-16517 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    238 Scopus citations
  • Quaternary organization of a phytochrome dimer as revealed by cryoelectron microscopy

    Li, H., Zhang, J., Vierstra, R. D. & Li, H., Jun 15 2010, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 24, p. 10872-10877 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    65 Scopus citations
  • Structural basis for the photoconversion of a phytochrome to the activated Pfr form

    Ulijasz, A. T., Cornilescu, G., Cornilescu, C. C., Zhang, J., Rivera, M., Markley, J. L. & Vierstra, R. D., Jan 14 2010, In: Nature. 463, 7278, p. 250-254 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    119 Scopus citations
  • 2009

    Cyanochromes are blue/green light photoreversible photoreceptors defined by a stable double cysteine linkage to a phycoviolobilin-type chromophore

    Ulijasz, A. T., Cornilescu, G., von Stetten, D., Cornilescu, C., Escobar, F. V., Zhang, J., Stankey, R. J., Rivera, M., Hildebrandt, P. & Vierstra, R. D., Oct 23 2009, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284, 43, p. 29757-29772 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    73 Scopus citations
  • Tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometric analysis of ubiquitylated proteins in Arabidopsis

    Saracco, S. A., Hansson, M., Scalf, M., Walker, J. M., Smith, L. M. & Vierstra, R. D., Jul 2009, In: Plant Journal. 59, 2, p. 344-358 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    122 Scopus citations
  • The ATG autophagic conjugation system in maize: ATG transcripts and abundance of the ATG8-lipid adduct are regulated by development and nutrient availability

    Chung, T., Suttangkakul, A. & Vierstra, R. D., Jan 2009, In: Plant Physiology. 149, 1, p. 220-234 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    180 Scopus citations
  • The BTB ubiquitin ligases ETO1, EOL1 and EOL2 act collectively to regulate ethylene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis by controlling type-2 ACC synthase levels

    Christians, M. J., Gingerich, D. J., Hansen, M., Binder, B. M., Kieber, J. J. & Vierstra, R. D., Jan 2009, In: Plant Journal. 57, 2, p. 332-345 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    150 Scopus citations
  • The RPN5 subunit of the 26s proteasome is essential for gametogenesis, sporophyte development, and complex assembly in arabidopsis

    Book, A. J., Smalle, J., Lee, K. H., Yang, P., Walker, J. M., Casper, S., Holmes, J. H., Russo, L. A., Buzzinotti, Z. W., Jenik, P. D. & Vierstra, R. D., Feb 2009, In: Plant Cell. 21, 2, p. 460-478 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    72 Scopus citations
  • 2008

    Characterization of two thermostable cyanobacterial phytochromes reveals global movements in the chromophore-binding domain during photoconversion

    Ulijasz, A. T., Cornilescu, G., Von Stetten, D., Kaminski, S., Mroginski, M. A., Zhang, J., Bhaya, D., Hildebrandt, P. & Vierstra, R. D., Jul 25 2008, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283, 30, p. 21251-21256 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    53 Scopus citations
  • Chromophore heterogeneity and photoconversion in phytochrome crystals and solution studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy

    Von Stetten, D., Günther, M., Scheerer, P., Murgida, D. H., Mroginski, M. A., Krauß, N., Lamparter, T., Zhang, J., Anstrom, D. M., Vierstra, R. D., Forest, K. T. & Hildebrandt, P., Jun 9 2008, In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 47, 25, p. 4753-4755 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    66 Scopus citations
  • Mutational analysis of Deinococcus radiodurans bacteriophytochrome reveals key amino acids necessary for the photochromicity and proton exchange cycle of phytochromes

    Wagner, J. R., Zhang, J., Von Stetten, D., Günther, M., Murgida, D. H., Mroginski, M. A., Walker, J. M., Forest, K. T., Hildebrandt, P. & Vierstra, R. D., May 2 2008, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283, 18, p. 12212-12226 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    184 Scopus citations
  • Solution Structure of a Cyanobacterial Phytochrome GAF Domain in the Red-Light-Absorbing Ground State

    Cornilescu, G., Ulijasz, A. T., Cornilescu, C. C., Markley, J. L. & Vierstra, R. D., Nov 7 2008, In: Journal of Molecular Biology. 383, 2, p. 403-413 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    48 Scopus citations
  • The ATG12-conjugating enzyme ATG10 is essential for autophagic vesicle formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

    Phillips, A. R., Suttangkakul, A. & Vierstra, R. D., Mar 2008, In: Genetics. 178, 3, p. 1339-1353 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    247 Scopus citations
  • 2007

    Attenuation of brassinosteroid signaling enhances FLC expression and delays flowering

    Domagalska, M. A., Schomburg, F. M., Amasino, R. M., Vierstra, R. D., Nagy, F. & Davis, S. J., Aug 2007, In: Development. 134, 15, p. 2841-2850 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    139 Scopus citations
  • A ubiquitin-based vector for the co-ordinated synthesis of multiple proteins in plants

    Walker, J. M. & Vierstra, R. D., May 2007, In: Plant Biotechnology Journal. 5, 3, p. 413-421 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • Genetic analysis of SUMOylation in Arabidopsis: Conjugation of SUMO1 and SUMO2 to nuclear proteins is essential

    Saracco, S. A., Miller, M. J., Kurepa, J. & Vierstra, R. D., Sep 2007, In: Plant Physiology. 145, 1, p. 119-134 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    238 Scopus citations
  • High resolution structure of Deinococcus bacteriophytochrome yields new insights into phytochrome architecture and evolution

    Wagner, J. R., Zhang, J., Brunzelle, J. S., Vierstra, R. D. & Forest, K. T., Apr 20 2007, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282, 16, p. 12298-12309 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    206 Scopus citations
  • Large-scale, lineage-specific expansion of a bric-a-brac/tramtrack/broad complex ubiquitin-ligase gene family in rice

    Gingerich, D. J., Hanada, K., Shiu, S. H. & Vierstra, R. D., Aug 2007, In: Plant Cell. 19, 8, p. 2329-2348 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    94 Scopus citations
  • The Arabidopsis EIN3 binding F-box proteins EBF1 and EBF2 have distinct but overlapping roles in ethylene signaling

    Binder, B. M., Walker, J. M., Gagne, J. M., Emborg, T. J., Hemmann, G., Bleecker, A. B. & Vierstra, R. D., Feb 2007, In: Plant Cell. 19, 2, p. 509-523 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    243 Scopus citations