• 33

Research activity per year


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  • 2021

    Rheumatic heart disease in the United States: Forgotten but not gone

    de Loizaga, S. R., Arthur, L., Arya, B., Beckman, B., Belay, W., Brokamp, C., Choi, N. H., Connolly, S., Dasgupta, S., Dibert, T., Dryer, M. M., Gokanapudy Hahn, L. R., Greene, E. A., Kernizan, D., Khalid, O., Klein, J., Kobayashi, R., Lahiri, S., Lorenzoni, R. P. & Luna, A. O. & 18 others, Marshall, J., Millette, T., Moore, L., Muhamed, B., Murali, M., Parikh, K., Sanyahumbi, A., Shakti, D., Stein, E., Shah, S., Wilkins, H., Windom, M., Wirth, S., Zimmerman, M., Beck, A. F., Ollberding, N., Sable, C. & Beaton, A., Aug 17 2021, In: Journal of the American Heart Association. 10, 16, e020992.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Scopus citations