• 3118
1989 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

My research program focuses on improving our understand of how inflammation reaches the inner ear; how inflammatory cells function when they are activated in the ear and how this cell population aids or hampers the repair process after cochlear injury. There are numerous processes that induce cochlear inflammation; ranging from meningitis to cochlear surgery. My long term goals are to use improved knowledge of inflammation to devise targeted therapies for progressive sensorineural hearing loss and to identify methods of preserving residual hearing in individuals who might undergo cochlear implantation. By improving our understanding of inflammation and scar formation in the inner ear; I hope to provide more specific ways to support the survival of hearing cells early during degeneration before hearing loss becomes irreversible.

Clinical interests

Pediatric hearing loss, cochlear implantation, chronic ear surgery, cholesteatoma, conductive hearing loss, aural atresia, BAHA, ear infections, speech disorders, velopharyngeal insufficiency, cleft palate, craniofacial disorders


We recognize that race and gender discrimination is found throughout
much of society, and academic and scientific institutions are not exceptions. Racism and sexism must be named and addressed. We identify with and stand with minority communities in demanding equality for all people, regardless of race, sex, religion or color. It is our civic duty to make equality, education, opportunity, and personal safety a reality for all.  We are committed to devoting energy to advancing equality and inclusive excellence and supporting all of our colleagues and students. Each of us must actively listen to appreciate the experience of others who are not like us; change ourselves; fight indifference, injustice, and institutional and personal prejudice; identify and remove barriers and allow for universal participation in all the benefits of the free world.

Available to Mentor:

  • PhD/MSTP Students


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