• 211

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2025
  • 2024

    ADVANCE: a biomedical informatics approach to investigate acute kidney injury in infants

    Rumpel, J. A., Perazzo, S., Bona, J., South, A. M., Harer, M. W., Liu, D., Starr, M. C., Khattab, M., Han, R., Slagle, C., Ciccia, E., Najaf, T., Gillen, M., Harsono, M., Nada, A., Dwarakanath, K., Gogcu, S., Mohamed, T., Stoops, C. & Bonachea, E. & 9 others, Revenis, M., Roberts, J., Lenzini, R. M., Debuyserie, A., Joseph, C., Murthy, K., Ray, P., Schootman, M. & Nagel, C., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Pediatric research.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Characteristics and Outcomes of Children and Young Adults with Sepsis Requiring Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: A Comparative Analysis from the Worldwide Exploration of Renal Replacement Outcomes Collaborative in Kidney Disease (WE-ROCK)∗

    Stanski, N. L., Gist, K. M., Hasson, D., Stenson, E. K., Seo, J. D., Ollberding, N. J., Muff-Luett, M., Cortina, G., Alobaidi, R., See, E., Kaddourah, A., Fuhrman, D. Y., Ahern, E., Akcan Arikan, A., Alhamoud, I., Anton-Martin, P., Balani, S. S., Barhight, M., Basalely, A. & Bigelow, A. M. & 99 others, Bottari, G., Cappoli, A., Ciccia, E. A., Collins, M., Colosimo, D., Damian, M. A., De La Mata Navazo, S., Deabreu, G., Deep, A., Ding, K. L., Dolan, K. J., Fernandez Lafever, S. N., Gelbart, B., Gorga, S. M., Guzzi, F., Guzzo, I., Haga, T., Harvey, E., Hasson, D. C., Hill-Horowitz, T., Inthavong, H., Joseph, C., Kakajiwala, A., Kessel, A. D., Korn, S., Krallman, K. A., Kwiatkowski, D. M., Lee, J., Lequier, L., Madani Kia, T., Mah, K. E., Marinari, E., Martin, S. D., Menon, S., Mohamed, T. H., Morgan, C., Mottes, T. A., Muff-Luett, M. A., Namachivayam, S., Neumayr, T. M., Nhan Md, J., O'Rourke, A., Pinto, M. G., Qutob, D., Raggi, V., Reynaud, S., Ricci, Z., Rumlow, Z. A., Santiago Lozano, M. J., Selewski, D. T., Serpe, C., Serratore, A., Shah, A., Shih, W. V., Stella Shin, H., Slagle, C. L., Solomon, S., Soranno, D. E., Srivastava, R., Starr, M. C., Strong, A. E., Taylor, S. A., Thadani, S. V., Uber, A. M., Van Wyk, B., Webb, T. N., Zang, H., Zangla, E. E., Zappitelli, M., Alvarez, T. C. E., Bixler, E., Brown, E. B., Brown, C. L., Burrell, A., Dash, A., Ehrlich, J. L., Farma, S., Gahring, K., Gales, B., Hilgenkamp, M. R., Jain, S., Kanwar, K., Lusk, J., Meyer, C. J., Plomaritas, K., Porter, J., Potts, J., Serratore, A., Schneider, E., Sinha, V., Strack, P. J., Taylor, S., Twombley, K., Van Wyk, B., Wallace, S., Wang, J., Woods, M., Zinger, M. & Zong, A., Nov 1 2024, In: Critical care medicine. 52, 11, p. 1686-1699 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy and Survival in Children and Young Adults: Findings From the Multinational WE-ROCK Collaborative

    Worldwide Exploration of Renal Replacement Outcomes Collaborative in Kidney Disease (WE-ROCK) Collaborative, Starr, M. C., Gist, K. M., Zang, H., Ollberding, N. J., Balani, S., Cappoli, A., Ciccia, E., Joseph, C., Kakajiwala, A., Kessel, A., Muff-Luett, M., Santiago Lozano, M. J., Pinto, M., Reynaud, S., Solomon, S., Slagle, C., Srivastava, R., Shih, W. V. & Webb, T. & 67 others, Menon, S., Ahern, E., Arikan, A. A., Alhamoud, I., Alobaidi, R., Anton-Martin, P., Barhight, M., Basalely, A., Bigelow, A. M., Bottari, G., Collins, M., Colosimo, D., Cortina, G., Damian, M. A., Navazo, S. D. L. M., DeAbreu, G., Deep, A., Ding, K. L., Dolan, K. J., Fernandez Lafever, S. N., Fuhrman, D. Y., Gelbart, B., Gorga, S. M., Guzzi, F., Guzzo, I., Haga, T., Harvey, E., Hasson, D. C., Hill-Horowitz, T., Inthavong, H., Kaddourah, A., Korn, S., Krallman, K. A., Kwiatkowski, D. M., Lee, J., Lequier, L., Kia, T. M., Mah, K. E., Marinari, E., Martin, S. D., Mohamed, T. H., Morgan, C., Mottes, T. A., Namachivayam, S., Neumayr, T. M., Nhan, J., O'Rourke, A., Qutob, D., Raggi, V., Ricci, Z., Rumlow, Z. A., See, E., Selewski, D. T., Serpe, C., Serratore, A., Shah, A., Shin, H. S., Soranno, D. E., Stanski, N. L., Stenson, E. K., Strong, A. E., Taylor, S. A., Thadani, S. V., Uber, A. M., Van Wyk, B., Zangla, E. E. & Zappitelli, M., Oct 2024, In: American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 84, 4, p. 406-415.e1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Factors associated with successful liberation from continuous renal replacement therapy in children and young adults: analysis of the worldwide exploration of renal replacement outcomes collaborative in Kidney Disease Registry

    the WE-ROCK Investigators, Stenson, E. K., Alhamoud, I., Alobaidi, R., Bottari, G., Fernandez, S., Fuhrman, D. Y., Guzzi, F., Haga, T., Kaddourah, A., Marinari, E., Mohamed, T., Morgan, C., Mottes, T., Neumayr, T., Ollberding, N. J., Raggi, V., Ricci, Z., See, E. & Stanski, N. L. & 70 others, Zang, H., Zangla, E., Gist, K. M., Zappitelli, M., Zangla, E. E., Webb, T. N., Wyk, B., Uber, A. M., Thadani, S. V., Taylor, S. A., Strong, A. E., Stenson, E. K., Starr, M. C., Stanski, N. L., Srivastava, R., Soranno, D. E., Solomon, S., Slagle, C. L., Stella, H. S., Shih, W. V., Shah, A., Serratore, A., Serpe, C., Selewski, D. T., Santiago, M. J. L., Rumlow, Z. A., Reynaud, S., Qutob, D., Pinto, M. G., Ollberding, N. J., O’Rourke, A., Nhan, J., Neumayr, T. M., Namachivayam, S., Muff-Luett, M. A., Mottes, T. A., Mohamed, T. H., Menon, S., Martin, S. D., Mah, K. E., Kia, T. M., Lequier, L., Lee, J., Kwiatkowski, D. M., Krallman, K. A., Korn, S., Kessel, A. D., Kakajiwala, A., Joseph, C., Inthavong, H., Hill-Horowitz, T., Hasson, D. C., Harvey, E., Guzzo, I., Gorga, S. M., Gist, K. M., Gelbart, B., Fuhrman, D. Y., Fernandez, S. N. L., Dolan, K. J., Ding, K. L., Deep, A., DeAbreu, G., De la Mata Navazo, S., Damian, M. A., Cortina, G., Colosimo, D., Collins, M., Ciccia, E. A. & Cappoli, A., Jun 2024, In: Intensive care medicine. 50, 6, p. 861-872 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • Moving the neonatal nephrology field forward: results from the Pediatric Academic Society Neonatal Nephrology Focus Group

    On behalf Collaborative Co-Authors, Slagle, C., Menon, S., Selewski, D. T., Starr, M. C., Zhou, M., Webb, T., Walawender, L., Ward, R., Tomari, K., Straatmann, C., Steinbach, E., Smith, J., Schwartz, G., Sanderson, K., Sabroske, E., Rutledge, A., Roychaudhuri, S., Revenis, M. & Reidy, K. & 36 others, Ranabothu, S., Pudalov, N., Norwood, V., Nada, A., Mohamed, T., Moy, R., Mosquera, C., Mohtat, D., Merrill, K., Millner, R., McDonald, J., Linder, C., Lanier, L., Herman, K., Harer, M., Hambrick, H. R., Guillet, R., Gordon, L., Fulchiero, R., Frisby-Zedan, J., Krieger, S., Khattab, M., Jarrell, C., Jackson, C., Jabs, K., Dharnidharka, V., Crawford, B., Chishti, A., Charlton, J., Celebi, N., Ciccia, E., Basalely, A., Bartlett, D., Askenazi, D., Andolino, T. & Alzarka, B., Mar 2024, In: Journal of Perinatology. 44, 3, p. 441-443 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • 2023

    Worldwide Exploration of Renal Replacement Outcomes Collaborative in Kidney Disease (WE-ROCK)

    WE-ROCK Investigators, Menon, S., Krallman, K. A., Arikan, A. A., Fuhrman, D. Y., Gorga, S. M., Mottes, T., Ollberding, N., Ricci, Z., Stanski, N. L., Selewski, D. T., Soranno, D. E., Zappitelli, M., Zang, H., Gist, K. M., Ahern, E., Akcan Arikan, A., Alhamoud, I., Alobaidi, R. & Anton-Martin, P. & 70 others, Balani, S. S., Barhight, M., Basalely, A., Bigelow, A. M., Bottari, G., Cappoli, A., Ciccia, E. A., Collins, M., Colosimo, D., Cortina, G., Damian, M. A., De la Mata Navazo, S., DeAbreu, G., Deep, A., Ding, K. L., Dolan, K. J., Fernandez Lafever, S. N., Gelbart, B., Guzzi, F., Guzzo, I., Haga, T., Harvey, E., Hasson, D. C., Hill-Horowitz, T., Inthavong, H., Joseph, C., Kaddourah, A., Kakajiwala, A., Kessel, A. D., Korn, S., Kwiatkowski, D. M., Lee, J., Lequier, L., Kia, T. M., Mah, K. E., Marinari, E., Martin, S. D., Mohamed, T. H., Morgan, C., Mottes, T. A., Muff-Luett, M. A., Namachivayam, S., Neumayr, T. M., Md, J. N., O'Rourke, A., Ollberding, N. J., Pinto, M. G., Qutob, D., Raggi, V., Reynaud, S., Rumlow, Z. A., Santiago Lozano, M. J., See, E., Serpe, C., Serratore, A., Shah, A., Shih, W. V., Shin, H. S., Slagle, C. L., Solomon, S., Srivastava, R., Starr, M. C., Stenson, E. K., Strong, A. E., Taylor, S. A., Thadani, S. V., Uber, A. M., Van Wyk, B., Webb, T. N. & Zangla, E. E., Aug 2023, In: Kidney International Reports. 8, 8, p. 1542-1552 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • 2009

    Iloprost- and isoproterenol-induced increases in cAMP are regulated by different phosphodiesterases in erythrocytes of both rabbits and humans

    Adderley, S. P., Dufaux, E. A., Sridharan, M., Bowles, E. A., Hanson, M. S., Stephenson, A. H., Ellsworth, M. L. & Sprague, R. S., May 2009, In: American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 296, 5, p. H1617-H1624

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • 2008

    Prostacyclin analogs stimulate receptor-mediated cAMP synthesis and ATP release from rabbit and human erythrocytes

    Sprague, R. S., Bowles, E., Hanson, M., Dufaux, E., Sridharan, M., Adderley, S., Ellsworth, M. & Stephenson, A., Jul 2008, In: Microcirculation. 15, 5, p. 461-471 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    43 Scopus citations