Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC)

Organization profile

Organization profile

IDDs collectively affect one in 6 individuals in the U.S. population and exact a very serious, often catastrophic toll on quality of life. Since it’s inception in 2010, the IDDRC@WUSTL has capitalized on institutional strengths at Washington University, the resources and collaborations within the broader St. Louis, and a network of scientists at 13 other NICHD-funded IDDRCs to promote understanding of pathogenesis through key advances in infant behavioral phenotyping, clinical genomics, developmental neuroimaging, and the use of rodent and cellular model systems.  These have resulted from a coordinated agenda to trace genetic and environmental disruptions of neural connectivity to their origins at the respective levels of cell, synapse, circuit, and behavior, with the ultimate goal of informing new treatments and interventions for IDD. 


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